What is a reader profile?
A reader profile is a detailed insight of who your typical reader is.
My reader Profile:
Jacqueline is 17 years old, she goes to sixth form and is taking 3 A - Levels in fine art, history and philosophy. She likes to stream music which are on the top charts on her phone and tablet and listens to Capital FM and being up to date with what is happening in the music world. Her typical day is, waking up at 7:00 am to get ready for school, she begins school at 8:20 am and ends at 3:00 pm. On her way home from school she streams the latest released music on her phone. When she gets home she will watch TV for an hour before beginning to do homework or revision. When she finishes her homework at 8:00pm she has dinner, then listens to the radio and then goes to bed at 10:30.
Hobbies: Watching movies on Netflix, reading magazines, listening to music, drawing and reading.
Likes: Know what is happening in the music industry and the world, likes art and traveling to tropical beaches.
Dislikes: being called Jackie, homework and waking up early.
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