About the audience when they see print advertisements:
- They will read from top left to bottom right
- It is accepted that images are more powerful than words
- know your audience - to know what tone of address to use
- when seeing an ad the audience will see it with both the their, surface layer (denotation - what you see) and subconscious level (connotation - what it makes you feel)
- The text and type face have to reflect the tone of address
- There are many types of slogans/strap lines common techniques are: rhyme, fun, imperatives
When you are looking at a print advertisements you have to consider these three theories:
Saussure - The Theory of the Signifier and Signified
This theory suggest that there can be two levels of interpreting something - the context we put into something/situation. This is when, what is signified because of the context we add to the situation.
Barthes - Theory of Denotation and Connotation
This theory suggest that we interpret advertisements commercials based on our past experiences so everyone will interpret an advertisements differently.
Stuart Hall - The Theory of Encoding and Decoding
Every product that is created and will challenge or promote dominant ideology. This is when views and opinions are cleverly encoded into the film or news articles. This is normally used in politics eg. politics and elections.
When deconstructing a media products we have to look at three main areas:
Media Language - this includes:
-Type of shot
Representation - this includes:
-Who is seen?
-How are they represented?
Audience - this includes:
-Who target audience is
-How do we know
-What would other audiences make of it
-How are values transferred
Below I have destructed a Coca-Cola advertisement using these three main areas:
Advertisement History:
Before web 2.0, the process of advertisement would be
advertise - consumer - sale
After web 2.0, the process of advertisement is
advertisement - awareness of product - interest - desire - sales
Now consumers use advertisements advertisements rather than advertisements manipulate the consumers - the ads now have to be clever.
Selling Techniques:
Below I have chosen 8 different ads and commercials where each uses different selling techniques:
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