Focus Group

I have gathered a group of people and asked them a few questions about music magazines, below I am going to write the questions and responses that the group said.

What do you think of music magazines? 
-They are useful information which relate to music 
-They are relevant
-They are suited to certain genres

What music magazines do you read and if not why?
-Don't know where to find music magazines 

What makes a music magazines interesting?
-The content
-Their information they have about the artist 
-Relevant to the reader 

What music artists do you like to read about?
-Sam Smith
-Alternative music

What information is the most interesting for a music magazine?
-Gossip about pop culture/music artist 
-Things that are related to the reader 
-Interview with artist that are about life and experiences 

Below I have added the image of someone who took part on the focus group holding up the notes that I took 
